Large scale decentralized platform to transfer and to guard anything:
Fungible assets and non-fungible tokens in non-regulated to heavily regulated environments.
A FileChain Treasury enables many independent parties (companies, individuals, autonomous systems, financial institutions) to prove their ownership of any number of non-
fungible tokens (NFTs) such as property titles as well as any quantity of fungible assets such as coins, consumer points, gaming rewards or CBDCs.
A FileChain Treasury supports the simplest transfer between two accounts to the most elaborate payment schemes with multiple regulatory oversight between 5, 10 or +50 accounts, where all are paid or none are paid, as well as any delivery-versus-payment and
payment-versus-payment for full integration with other treasuries, legacy ERP systems and payment rails.
A FileChain Treasury runs an optimized consensus algorithm to solve the double-spend problem and peers with any number of FileChain Cashiers to secure the digital identity and privacy of each account thanks to multiple innovations under patent application.
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Secrecy And Transparency
Impose digital signatures for all accounts associated with the relevant onboarded identities to guarantee both secrecy and transparency for any query and any update within a FileChain Treasury.
Atomic Operations
Process any operation atomically to update all relevant accounts or none of them within a single treasury, during a payment versus delivery (PvD) when connected to the real economy and during a payment versus payment (PvP) across multiple treasuries such as cross-currency transfers or CBDC-to-fiat-currency exchanges.
Regulatory Compliance
Perform automatic and on-demand checks on all identities and assets involved in any transaction within a company jurisdiction and within regulated environments such as cross-border payments.
Any Asset Type (NFTs, Coins, Both)
Manage multiple asset classes, fungible or not, over thousands or even millions of accounts, securely associated to businesses, individuals, financial institutions and administrations to offer innovative trading platforms for fidelity points, gaming rewards or overlays to existing payment rails and financial transaction systems.
Large scale decentralized platform to transfer and to guard anything:
Fungible assets and non-fungible tokens in non-regulated to heavily regulated environments.